Jen Adams
2 min readOct 21, 2023


Now that the big ticket items on our wish list had been ticked off (our dream beach wedding, making sure our businesses are up and now running smoothly — Mahal takes care of our little resort Oslob New Village and restaurant Lami-an while I take care of digital marketing for my clients via my new biz VirtuPro, — and overall management of our life here in our own version of paradise), we are now about to start our travel adventure outside of the country and one of the things I think about is how fussy our son is when it comes to eating. When traveling locally, Tuz already has a list of food he is willing to eat. But how about when we visit other cultures and places where the food is totally different from what he’s used to? Are you in the same situation? If you want to travel with your kids but feel as though it’s always an uphill battle to get them to eat, then you’re not alone. So many people are in the same position as you (as us), but there are things we can do to try and make things easier on ourselves. If you want to find out more then simply take a look below.


One of the first things you need to do is screen restaurants before you go. Look at the menu online and make sure that there is something your kids can eat, without complaint. Even if they don’t have a kid’s menu, you should be able to come up with a child-friendly version. Mushroom and cheese panini can easily be presented as a grilled cheese sandwich, and this is something that your children are bound to love. If you want them to have a particular dish at a restaurant, try and cook it from home first. If your child can participate in cooking the meal, even better. If you want to ease them into it, this buttermilk biscuit recipe is a great choice.

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