Rain Vortex Magic: Our Singaporean Delight at Changi’s Jewel!

Jen Adams
2 min readFeb 3, 2024


Hello, wonderful readers! If you’ve been following our adventures, you know that Momtraneur.com is your go-to hub for all things family and travel. Today, I’m bubbling over with excitement to spill the details on the first leg of our 11-day/10-night extravaganza in the lion city of Singapore. But before we dive in, have you checked out our comprehensive guide on stress-free travel from the Philippines to Singapore? If not, click here to catch up on the deets!

Now, back to our epic journey! This adventure isn’t your ordinary vacay — it’s a triple celebration. We’re toasting to our first wedding anniversary, soaking in honeymoon vibes, and adding a sprinkle of birthday magic for our little man’s 8th birthday. Can you say, “holiday extravaganza”?

Our odyssey commenced with a landing that set the tone for the enchantment that awaited us — Changi Airport. Forget the humdrum layovers; Changi Airport is a destination in itself, and we made the most of our late afternoon and early evening stopover.

Our first stop? The Jewel. Imagine a futuristic oasis of greenery, water wonders, and mind-blowing architecture. The Jewel isn’t just a mall; it’s an experience! Strap on those comfy shoes, because you’ll want to explore every inch of this tropical paradise.

But hold onto your hats, because here comes the pièce de résistance — the Rain Vortex. This ain’t your grandma’s waterfall; it’s a multi-sensory extravaganza that’ll leave you awestruck. Little man was in birthday heaven, celebrating under a waterfall! Check! And guess what? You can get an exclusive, immersive look at our Jewel adventure by checking out our vlog here or below. Trust me, you won’t want to miss this visual feast — consider it your virtual ticket to the Jewel extravaganza! Happy watching, fellow travelers!

You can continue reading here: https://momtraneur.com/2023/12/14/rain-vortex-magic-our-singaporean-delight-at-changis-jewel/

